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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Currying Favor

While recipe testing for the contest (see Philadelphia Pride post, below), I realized that  my short-lived Suzy Homemaker time is coming to a screeching halt!  I therefore decided that I must take measures to insure that returning to the workaday world does not exhaust me beyond repair.  I came to the conclusion that I must begin the process of refining my diet back to energy-producing and healthy foods, begin walking (the sit-ups three times a week ARE helping, though), and drink more green tea.

Although not a Vegan, nor a vegetarian, eating for health has always fascinated me, ever since my research into macrobiotics, and other health-based dietary trends.  Oh, and I've never bought into a certain high-protein, low carb diet that was all the rage a few years back.  Can you imagine the business the cardiologists got out of that one?  Anyway, I digress. While surfing the web I came upon a Cauliflower, Potato and Chick-pea curry recipe that I decided I must make myself, in an effort to make at least a portion of my intake meat-free.  Now, I don't think I can ever really give up beef jerky, but teeny tiny baby steps, you know?  The curry is pictured below....

Now, as much as I love my pork ribs, my whole roasted chicken, my marinated skirt steak, I must admit that this was outrageously delicious. The way the cauliflower dissolved on the tongue, with the meaty chick peas, the lovely soft potato, and the accents of onion, garlic and ginger, were a revelation.  Having a good, home made curry brings me right back to the wonderful curries I enjoyed in England, and enables me to feel good that meat-free need not be taste-free.  Eat well, my friends.

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